What do I need to do to put Flash on my website?
Flash is a client side feature - it runs on the user's computer, not on your web host. As long as the user's browser has the correct plugin installed, it will run on their computer.
How do I track how many hits my website gets?
There are a few things that need to be cleared in terms of terminology:
- Hits - this simply refers to the number of 'elements' loaded on your site. If one page has five images in it, viewing that page once adds 6 hits (one page + five images).
- Impressions - the number of times all the pages on your site are seen (also simply called page views). Impressions are sometimes referred to as 'hits' which can cause confusion
- Unique - the number of people that visited your site
So to clarify, if I visit your website, look at two pages, and each page has 5 images on it, then your stats increase by one unique, two page views, and 12 hits.
Tracking on your site can be either done server-side or remotely. With server-side statistics, log files are used to generate visitor information. This is usually much more accurate than remotely hosted solutions. In such cases, you usually have to add some JavaScript to your site. This javascript is then used to track visitor data.
If your host provides it (and many do), server-side statistics are a good solution. Otherwise, companies like Site Meter can be used to remotely track your visitors.
What are PHP, ASP, perl, etc?
These are all programming languages which are referred to by their acronyms.
PHP - PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
ASP - Active Server Pages
Perl - not an acronym
Each programming language has its own benefits and uses. It is best that you research on your own to find one that best fits your needs.
What is MySQL, MS SQL, etc?
MySQL and MS SQL are database systems. Depending on what your host provides, you can use a database to organize your data.
To help you out, we have lists on hosts that provide MySQL and hosts that provide MS SQL.
Do I have to change my domain if I get a new host?
No. Provided that the domain is registered in your name (as it should be), you can simply update your namservers (from where you manage your domain names) to that of your new host.
Will there be forced advertising on my site - things like banner ads or popup ads?
Not at all. You are paying for webspace that is only yours - no one may put ads on your site except you.
What is Domain Parking?
Domain parking lets you buy a domain and then have a 'coming soon' page on it. This is not needed - if a domain is not parked it will simply be inaccessible to anyone.
Most domain registrars provide this by default.
How can I pay for web hosting?
This depends on which host you decide to go with. Most web hosts will accept credit cards, and some will accept PayPal and/or a Money Order / Check.
What is PayPal?
Simply put, PayPal lets anyone with email address send money to anyone else with an email address.
Each user signs up with PayPal and then enters their necessary banking and credit card information. Once registration is completed, your email address is all you need to send and receive money.
PayPal is owned by eBay.
What are sub domains?
Consider sub domains as an extension of your domain. For example, your site is www.example.com. A sub domain would be test.example.com, and another would be webhosting.example.com.
Sub domains are usually treated as separate sites from the main domain site.
How do I upload my site online?
Uploading your site can be done in many ways, but the most popular is FTP.
When your hosting account was created, you should have been provided with an FTP account. Using software such as CuteFTP or WS_FTP, you can log into your host. Then, using the program like a normal windows program, you can drag and drop files onto your web host. These files become live online instantaneously.
There are other ways to upload your site such as using SSH or uploading files through your browser
What is uptime?
Uptime is literally what it means - it is the amount of time your site is online throughout the entire month.
The best uptime would be 100%, but because things can break, many hosts offer 99.9% uptime guarantees. This means that if your site is not accessible for more than 43 minutes in a single month, they will reimburse you, depending on their terms of service.
What is the difference between UNIX hosting and Windows hosting?
Depending on which operating system to go with depends on your needs.
If you need to support Microsoft products such as ASP, MS Access, or VBScript, then Windows hosting would be better. Furthermore, if you are comfortable with IIS and do not have the time to understand how UNIX works, Windows hosting would again be a better choice.
There are some things to remember.
First of all, just because you use Windows at home does not mean you should use Windows hosting. The two are completely different, and having a Windows system at home will not affect your ability to communicate with a UNIX server.
Secondly, Linux is much more common with web hosts due to its superior stability and because it is free. Since it is free, Linux hosting is usually cheaper than Windows. Just because it's free does not mean it's not as good - Linux is an excellent product too.
In order to help you, we have created a list of web hosts using Unix and a list of web hosts that use Windows.
I have a fast internet connection (DSL/cable) - can I just host my own site?
You could, but that's definitely not recommended.
First of all, most ISPs have clauses that do not let you use your internet connection for web hosting - doing so will result in termination of your account.
Second of all, think of the headaches it can provide: making sure your system is secure so that no one can hack into it, having your computer on 24/7, and other such problems.
Third of all, think of the performance. Most good web hosts use powerful servers with lots of RAM and high performance hard disks. Furthermore, they have multiple internet connections at speeds far higher than what residential DSL or cable service can provide.
Lastly there are all the issues of support. If something goes wrong, it will be your job to fix it - you will not have a professional to correct the problem.
Good article, you have given great tips for web hosting. private cloud hosting is also support for all the above features.
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